Harvir Dhatt

Harvir Dhatt CICC Registered Consultant

My Story

Ms. Harvir Dhatt is a proud member of SARK immigration, located in the lovely prairies region. I was born in Ludhiana, Punjab, and finished my studies in Chandigarh. Later I immigrated to Canada under the family reunion program, most of my relatives have been settled here since the '90s. While Canada has a vast immigration system and more than 60 immigration programs under which candidates can immigrate to Canada, people in the early 90's were not familiar with many immigration options available to them.

In 2004, my aunt sought the help of an immigration professional to assist my mom's immigration to Canada. Through her, my family learned about the "Point system" for skilled worker category and our family immigrated to Canada with the assistance of a Canadian immigration consultant in 2009. It took my family five years to get Canadian Permanent Residency, but we never lost hope. Ultimately, my family was glad to see immigration labels on our passports after long wait.

Franklin D. Roosevelt has well said” Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort”. This was not it; the real magic began in Feb.2009 when the whole family landed in Canada, and guess what…… there were 30 extended family members to Welcome us at the Edmonton international airport. When we came out from the airport we were astonished with white beauty of Canada, huge highways, disciplined traffic, tall buildings, and most importantly the care and love we received from extended family in Canada. It was way more wonderful beyond our imagination.

story doesnt end here ...

Though the initial years were a bit of struggle for all of us to settle in a new culturally diverse environment. But all these initial years gave me strength and experience with financial gain and inner peace. Since my Graduation years, I've always been supportive with smile to encourage others for studying and achieve their career goals. Having assisted many international students with choosing career-oriented courses like Digital animation, DBMS, computer language Programming. Now many of them have successfully settled in Canada.

After coming to Canada, my enthusiasm for connecting with new people and helping newcomers to Canada has elevated to a professional level and the legal knowledge of Canadian governing system and constitutional procedures has motivated me to become a regulated immigration consultant in 2017 with the aim to guide and advice people who are interested to immigrate to Canada.

The new journey began with SARK immigration to work in a team of Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants who work hard to find best pathway for their clients with unique backgrounds and complex immigration situations. Our family business is a whole representation of YOU where we enjoy working with our clients in a joint effort.

It has always been my dream to be determined towards my career goal to pursue a profession that allows me to be a voice for legal system. I believe that I have unique skills which would allow me to make valuable contribution towards Canadian immigration by honestly serving our clients as I have personally been through the immigration process and understand their situation because immigration step can be one of the life changing decision in one’s life as leaving family behind, homeland is very challenging.

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